Insulated Building Blocks for Houses

ICF Blog 2

As the demand for high-performance homes increases, we at Doyle Homes are proud to provide our customers with innovative building solutions that save energy. One of the materials gaining in popularity is Insulating Concrete Forms. Using a design by architect Brian Burkett, we recently were happy to partner with Thermal Wall Construction Systems of Michigan to build an ICF foundation for our clients who requested this state-of-the-art building material.

Insulating Concrete Forms are preformed blocks made of foam, installed with steel and high-density concrete. The forms stay in place as a permanent part of the walls after the concrete is poured, providing an energy saving alternative to traditional poured or block foundations. Thermal Wall supplies the ICF System from BuildBlock, as they offer both straight and curved radius forms for ease for installation, very similar to the way the children’s “Lego” blocks fit tightly together.

Surprisingly, Werner Gregori patented the first ICF when he was a General Contractor in Ontario, Canada over 50 years ago. The idea came to him when he was on the beach and saw children with a Styrofoam cooler play in the sand. He had the idea the foam could be used as a form for concrete. Fast forward to today and we see that with the focus on energy savings and the increased cost of traditional building materials, more and more homeowners are opting for the ICF System for their foundations or for their complete homes.

There are many benefits to the use of ICF in residential building. The increased insulation leads to energy savings, benefiting both the homeowner as well as the environment. A traditional foundation has an R value of 11 and the R value of an ICF foundation is 20.  ICF foundations can also sit on traditional footings.  According to Jim Quain from Thermal Wall, “ICF foundations provide a warm, dry, ready-to- finish basement for a reasonable cost”. When used in a complete home, ICF Systems are more resistant to tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes, keeping families and their possessions safe. Jim also pointed out that the whole house system also provides less dust and allergens due to a 75% reduction in outside air infiltrating the home, as well as supporting any choice of exterior.

Insulating Concrete forms can also present some disadvantages. The cost is often 10% to 20% percent higher than foundations made from poured concrete. Remodeling an existing home with walls constructed from ICFs may be difficult, as the contractor will have to cut through concrete. In some climates, pests can be a problem, so a special membrane is installed to protect the walls

At Doyle Homes, we will help customers chose the energy saving options that best fit their needs and budgets. With assistance from our great partners like Thermal Wall Construction Systems of Michigan, our customers will have expert advice and service to ensure a smooth home building experience.


More information on the BuildBlock Insulating Concrete System is available on the Thermal Wall of Michigan website at: